1 Year Website Anniversary

It’s been almost a year since I bit the bullet & built the Green Heart Dharma website. The website project was an insanity loop that I had been plugged into for years. A procrastination project that constantly circulated around my consciousness. I knew that building a website would benefit the organization, transparency, & identity in my current phase on entrepreneurship. At this point, I have explored many career paths, tried multiple artforms, & played my hand in the game of winner take all. I’ve won some, & I’ve lost some. 

Anyways, it was time to express myself through my own web-page. The endless possibilities and the ineptitude of never trying to do this before I think is ultimately what slowed me down…yet the call to create never stopped ringing in my ears..

72 hours before I planned to leave for a month long hiking trek through southwest CO seemed like the perfect time to buy the domain & open my first page to edit. The impulsivity of the moment propelled me to just do it. To finally end the alarm of negative self-talk. Upon purchasing a yearly subscription to Square I quickly realized that this would take me weeks, if not months to truly hone in. I wrote a short blog post referencing my timely choices and then set an intention to envision & channel the inner workings of my new website.

Over the next 2 months, I essentially unplugged from social reality. I made my nest within thick-wooded forests, aspen groves, & river streams. I wore sores into my soles with many miles of walking in shitty socks. Buy wool socks. Seriously, you and your feet will not regret it. I turned my social media presence off. I wanted to be fully present for real LIFE. Living, breathing, walking, talking nature connection. The trip was not without it’s struggles as they always require sheer perseverance, acceptance, & surrender in to the process.

I can always look back at my decision to turn off social media & journal instead as a good choice. Nothing bad really came from it. When I got back on social media, it was like I had never left and there were even more ads than before. I miss making the time to turn it off. It really does just suck you back in. The melancholic sadness really just comes from wanting everyone to feel the essence of nature again. To feel the aliveness of each moment as the sun shines and the wind blows. The energy to constantly swirling in a vortex around us. The screens desensitize to the subtle senses & hyper incentivise somatic dopamine. That being said, the subtle realm & the pervasive power of the universe is every present and can be realized at any moment. Even in the screen realms. The limiting belief that the social world is controlling & detrimental, is all true and at the same time a limiting belief.

The beauty in who we are as humans is the truth that we have consciousness. We have awareness over actions. We make choices. Our brains connectivity is only relative to what we experience and are exposed to. When we try new things or disrupt limiting patterns, the belief system easily morphs. The muscle is designed to grow, rhythmically pulse, & send signals of survival to us. Survival need not always be rooted in fear of death. Survival supersedes fear and is predicated on the present moment. How willing are you to be present with every micro-second of your daily moments? How often are you being propelled forward by thoughts that are not your own? Thoughts that are phantoms of the images & sounds transmitted through screens? What are your essential, core feelings, emotions, & motivations? Is there a source of connectivity that you are plugged into? What is your mode of survival? Love or Fear?

For me, Love is Always the answer. It’s easy. After years of being in the fear & closed off, there’s no choice in going back. I know what it feels like when it crops up even today, but every moment in mindfulness make it easier to choose Love.

This is one of othe reasons I love Mantras. The messages instilled into consciousness by the repetitive sacred sounds of the universe are plugged into the ancient love that connects us to this lifetime & the next. 

Okay, back to what I originally sat down to write… the organization & redesign of the website for what is present with me now. What I designed a year ago was sprawling from a place of being rooted, grounded, & able to offer in-person coaching to my community in Athens. It has quickly transformed into an online hub for anyone to practice anywhere. After moving to CO I realized it was crucial to make the site & my time accessible from a remote, scheduled based educational platform. 

I would like my new design to focus on the Virtual Sangha Yin Yoga & Guided Meditation Classes, Let Go & Grow, Mudras, Mantras, & Miracles, Mini-Meditations, Inner Dimensional Alignment. I would like to host monthly podcasts with Jen & Aja. It would be wonderful to on-board at least one 1:1 coaching for Inner Dimensional Alignment by next March. I hope to keep developing this course & really open up to the possibilities of reframing the spirit path for each bio-indiviudated being that finds its way to my circle. It would bring me deep joy to offer oracle card readings <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I love hosting private yin yoga classes & meditation classes. It would bring me deep joy to explore my in-person practice here in Norwood & Telluride. I am feeling really connected to the yoga energy hub here. There is a lot of good chi circulating through the community. I am committed to Wednesday night Yin with Marie Green at the Library. In a few months, I will teach a class at the Library. Donation Based. Back to my Roots. 

It is amazing how long it can take to truly ground & root down again. I find myself missing my little athens river home and then it turn more into me recalling the feeling. Turning on the lights of those memories of soaking up the sun. Feeling peaceful. Sensing into serenity of the moment. I’m transported to the river and simultaneously teleported back into my presence. Back to being here now. Listening to the clacking of the computer keys. The sound from the speakers. Breathing life into me. Letting the words flow, backspace/delete and then some more clicketty clack clack. 

  • Simplify & Organize

  • Pleasure not Pressure

  • Boundaries to Boundless

  • Sacred is What you Make It

The weirdest part of the calling of Green Heart Dharma is that it has never been about the money. I’m not exempt from *thinking* that my life has lucrative potential. I do believe it is possible to become a successful business owner. I’ve done it before in many regards. My issue is consistency. I blow like a leaf in the wind and change on a dime. With the website, I feel like it’s my prayer for consistency. To show up to the commitment. To write down the words that truly matter beyond all space and time. In consistency, I hope that I am able to extend light out into the hand of those needing the light. I love helping people remember that they are souls in a body. The body has very predictable consistency if we only listen to it. I love sharing the wisdom of the ancients. I love facilitating sacred space. I love teaching to expand the mind. I love teaching to find peace within. I love teaching to be your own Self. The process is not always prefect. In fact, I can guarantee that there will be messes, shadows, & doodoo caca along the way. No transformation journey is complete without the challenges, the muck & mire. I resolve to be a pillar of compassion in those times. Compassion is not always light, rainbows, & sparkles. It is dynamic, cuts through cords like a knife, & is always rooted in Love. I am strong-willed & kind enough to transmit this experience to others. I am so grateful for my family for raising me in God’s Love. I am so grateful for my partnership with Pace to mirror this abundance of Love in companionship, livelihood, & daily devotion. I am grateful to smokey bear & sky queen for teaching me my love of responsibility, self-lessness, & energy. I am grateful for my community for seeing my life & trusting my guidance. I am grateful for the vegetables to travel to me to eat to nourish myself. I am grateful for nature & technology for the divergence and contrast that it creates. I am grateful for balance & convergence of Truths even in the most divisive times. 


The Jab


Grounding is Essential for Embodiment