Social Media Sabbatical

I’ve been on a social media sabbatical for almost 11 weeks now. This hiatus was a long time coming. I was struggling with the addiction of scrolling for months and could feel the insidious pull of algorithmic attention harvesting growing stronger with every update. In order to overcome this addiction, I began to bargain with myself. Eventually, I made a deal to let go of all access to social media for 21 days. In return, I made a pact with myself to write in my journal every day. This 21-day transformation period was successful and I felt so empowered I continued my hiatus even beyond my initial goal.

When I tell people I am not on social media, I receive the same reaction across the board, “Ooo good for you” “Don’t come back, you’re not missing anything” and my favorite, “Oh, how I wish I could do the same.” Well I have news for you, YOU CAN do this! It is easier to take to take a break than you might think.

Your time and attention is an extremely precious resource. Social Media sucks time & focus from your life that could often be better spent doing what you love. I’ve been dreaming of building a website for Green Heart Dharma for over two years. The minute I freed up more screen time, I was able to really zone in on my aspirations and bring my dreams to life!

Now that my website is up and running I am beyond thrilled to share these teachings with you. Lately I’ve been feeling as if the timer is up on my social media sabbatical, and against my better contentment I am feeling the need to log back in.

I’ve been going back and forth on how to return. I am so excited about Green Heart Dharma. I am continually inspired by my family & friends who are using their platforms to broadcast positivity & resourcefulness. Is it possible to run a business without social media? How can I have a healthy relationship with the shadow aspects of social media? Will there be more niche platforms that can safely support community, business, & recreation?

For me, I know my most effective communication style is within 1:1 conversation. I love to listen and observe and have an apt for reading energy & body language. The virtual world certainly fuels the energetic frequencies of our interactions and in my case, I tend to absorb too much of what is not intrinsic to my wellness. Furthermore, the virtual world lacks the richness of gesticulation. So much can be lost in translation without physical interactions.

This virtual universe was initially intended for good and I personally would like to keep sowing the seeds of this mission. I believe I can use this limitless space for uplifting, compassionate, & honest expression. It will take vigilant awareness of ego traps & strict time management practices. It will require full presence, and I am ready to reconnect.

As I reenter the virtual universe, I’d like to declare a few intentions:

  • I intend to create content that is creative, inspiring, & uplifting

  • I intend to only publish substantial posts from my computer

  • I intend to honor my need for 1:1 connection

  • I intend to release judgements & doubts that do not uplift my self-confidence

  • I intend to create my worth outside multi-level marketing schemes

  • I intend to interact with a unbiased, neutral perspective


Mul Mantra


My Story