BEING is a mindfulness technique that can be an anchor for you when limiting beliefs, negative emotions, or pesky fears arise. We are souls within a human incarnation. The soul knows limitless love, yet our human bodies are susceptible to imperfection. Integration is the subtle knowing of the paradoxical nature of our limitless form within a human body that has a multitude of needs & expressions. Who are you beyond the suffering? Simply return to BEING.

  1. Breathe - Breathing in conscious awareness. 

    1. Inhale in, exhale out.

    2. You can silently say  “Breathing In, I create space. Breathing out, I let go.”

  2. Embody - Bring your attention to a physical sensation within the body. 

    1. Scan the top of the head, face, & neck for tension

    2. Feel the heart beat

    3. Bring attention to sensation of temperature, taste, sight, auditory  how the body responds to a few mindful breaths.

    4. Feel your soles on the ground

  3. Invite - Allow all thoughts & emotions to be held in the container of your body/ego/emotions.Every sensation has a right to life. 

    1. Invite in these sensations into your awareness as if they were an old friend or perhaps your grandparent. 

    2. Treat your thoughts & emotions with hospitality & diligent kindness.

  4. Neutralize - Our minds tend to automatically categorize our experience into dichotomies. Good Vs Bad. Hot Vs. Cold. Neutralize is to counterbalance any negative/adverse sensations. 

    1. Neutrality can be experienced through non-judgement.

    2. Allowing a balanced sense of openness.

    3. Welcome in even more presence and mindfulness.

  5. Gratitude - Anchor your BEING in gratitude.

    1.  Gratitude can be felt in the heartspace and creates a forcefield of compassion around our beings. 

    2. When we practice gratitude our mind calms down, the body opens, & our emotions are soothed.


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