2022 Listening List

My 2022 Listening List 


Touching Two Worlds: A Guide for Finding Hope in the Landscape of Loss - Sherry Walling

  • Sherry share her very personal, sentimental experience with grief in the death of her father and brother. She tells intimate details of her personal experience while offering moments for your own contemplation of grief. She encourages the process of grief in a very real, raw and honest way. This book is authentic, cathartic and tackles morbidity in a gentle, reassuring way.

Eastern Body, Western Mind - Anodea Judith

  • A wonderful text for studying the psychology of the Chakras. Judith offers many resources for studying the mind-body connection. She validates modern western mechanics to the mind and uses the chakras mirrors their dynamic characteristics. It is a seamless blend of western mental processes and the yoga based eastern chakra system. This book is very healing to the inner child, neurotic tendencies, relationship dynamics, physical ailments, and consciousness development.

Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health - Shamini Jain

  • This is a fascinating catalogue of scientific research in Biofield Science - the evidence for the missing link between consciousness and healing. Shamini shares remarkable healing stories of patients within Biofield science trials. She shares of the hardships of going through the rigorous process of conducting double blind trials and gaining credibility in science world for studying spirituality. Lovely accounts of miraculous healing based on evidence based spiritual practices.

The Myth of Freedom and the Way of Meditation - Chogyam Trungpa

  • This book is infuriatingly enlightening. Chogyam Trungpa explores the true meaning of freedom, liberation through the context of Tibetan Bhuddism.

Discover your Dharma - Sahara Rose

  • Super fun and invigorating book that will inspire you to live your dharma! Sahara Rose is funny, witty, compassionate to the nth degree, and does not hold back. She generously shares all the secrets of the trade and above all reminds you that she is human.

The Body Keeps Score - Bessel A. Van Der Kolk

  • Absolutely monumental text in the field of the mind-body connection. It is heavy and includes stories of very deep rooted trauma that is not the for the faint of heart. However, if you can listen without giving into your bewilderment, your heart will expand ten fold. If you really want to understand how to leave trauma behind forever, this is a book for you.

Auras Understand and Feel Them - Marta Tuchowska

  •  Super quick, light listen about the auras and how to interpret, activate, and balance your energy field.

A Course in Miracles - Helen Schucman

  • I must admit I have not finished this book yet. It’s total 56 hours long and has a tendency to be in a slightly more 20th century tone. I began listening to it as a initiation process recommend by Marianne Williamson. I suggest listening to her instead of this book to receive a more digestible introduction to “A Course in Miracles.”

Autobiography of a Yogi - Yogananda

  • Currently listening and can’t put it down! Will report back when I’m finished.

The Real Anthony Facui - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

  • If even half the citations in this book check out, then our justice system is in serious peril.

Bitcoin Hard Money you can’t F*ck with - Jason A. Williams

  • Want to understand why people are so obsessed with bitcoin? Listen to Jason Williams share his “turn on” to this internet magic money.


Sounds True: Insights at the Edge - Tami Simon

  • SOO many amazing interviews of authors, practitioners, and masters within the spiritual healing community.

Haitian American Diaries - Jennifer and Elizabeth Edouard

  • Personal stories of life as Haitian Americans. The two sisters offer captivating interviews and lovely conversation about family love.

Sol Uninhibited The “Feel Empowered” Podcast - Aja MYWYA

  • Real talk, authentic guidance in the realms of empowerment, spirituality, and sociology

The Intimate Femine Podcast - Jacqueline L. Robinson

  • Luxurious tales of trials of trust, unconditional Love, and deep feminine awakening

The Wellness Wave - Slock Sounds

  • Wellness journey tips, musings, and philosophies

The Heart Wisdom Podcast - Krishna Das

  • Recorded dharma talks and meditations with Krishna Das

Artsy AF Podcast

  • Interviews with present day artists on their process, philosophy, childhoods, spirituality, etc.

Broken Record - Pushkin Records

  • Interviews with accomplished musicians on their process, philosophy, albums, and life

Pilgrim Heart Podcast - Jack Kornfield

  • Recorded dharma talks and meditations with Jack Kornfield

Alan Watts Being in the Way - Mark Watts

  • Recorded lectures on taoism with Alan Watts

Smartless - Jason Bateman, Will Arnet, Sean Hayes

  • Stupid comedy interviews with celebrities

Supernatural -  Ashley Flowers

  • Aliens, disappearances, unsolved murders, and extraterrestrial conspiracies

Park Predators - Delia D'ambra

  • Real murders within national parks


12 Tips for Balancing your Energy


Yoga Love