Julie Bloom, Healing Artist

Julie Bloom is the founder & facilitator of Green Heart Dharma. She is an artist with a passion for nature-connection, creative awakening, & holistic wellness. She is a certified Yoga & Meditation Instructor-500CYT & Master Life Coach. She graduated from the University of Georgia with a degree in English Education.

She has taught hundreds of karma yoga classes while working as a Pastry Chef, Reflexologist, Music Journalist, & Earthskills Mentor. In 2019, she became Head Chef of Eden’s Vegan Cafe in Athens, GA.

Julie hopes to utilize her visionary spirit to start a chain reaction of creative expression for the sake of creative expression. She believes music, wilderness, & deep listening are the best medicines, second to home-grown fresh cooked foods. She can often be found on long walks with her love & pups, weeding her garden, & behind ink pen or paint brush.


“As I continue to surrender to the flow, I find contentment in the chaos.”

— Julie Bloom