Happy 1 Year Anniversary to Green Heart Dharma!

Happy 1 Year Anniversary to Green Heart Dharma! In actuality, this is just a celebration of 1 year of creating this instagram account and turning my website live. this brand on instagram. It sounds silly but when I launched this page I felt like I turned a milestone! I felt ready & prepared to commit to the lifestyle of the creative artist, coach, & teacher. I was ready to take on new clients, to be super grounded and consistent in my offerings. And then a month later, an opportunity arrived that would completely change my life. We found housing in one of the most remote, rugged, and simultaneously luxurious parts of the country. (IMO.) 

We packed up our most precious belongings, sold/gave away everything else and journeyed out to Southwest CO the following month. The transition has provided entirely new experiences, building community from scratch, and succumbing to a less than ideal work schedule. I’ve learned truly to Let Go of many preconceived notions I had surrounding my art, business, schedule, & lifestyle in order to recalibrate to the newness of Southwestern living. It’s been a challenging and beautiful experience - watching change break down all my ground, stability, and familiarness to be replaced with fresh perspectives, a reevaluation of what is important, & humbling to service to a town desperate for help in the tourist seasons.

In going with the flow of the town, I’ve done my best to support local businesses with my expertise, much to my own business’ floundering. Not only did my work schedule detract from my virtual presence, but so did our off-day adventures. We live in the most beautiful part of the country. It’s a hard decision to make to sit around inside on a beautiful day and not go explore. The trade-off of exploration for creation does not diminish my visionary spirit. It only strengthens my gifts: to teach, to  create, to inspire. 

Here I am a year later, reflecting back on the process of transformation. Nesting in my boon of creative renewal and expansion of the Green Heart Dharma project. The truth is, Green Heart Dharma has existed for many years now. The concept was born in 2016, after realizing I needed a space to unleash the many facets of my artistry: writing, cooking, yoga, meditation, photography, visual art, reflexology, energy healing, etc. Green Heart Dharma has prevailed as the hub to my heart. Green Heart Dharma is as much a state of mind as it is a  business entity. Green Heart Dharma encompasses the journey of self-discovery, a deep exploration of consciousness, connection to the soul, connection to Nature - our mirror into the cycles of Life, Death, & Rebirth. 

Green Heart Dharma akins itself a mindset of compassion, gratitude, & joy for Life. Green Heart Dharma is Space to Explore untethered to the conditions and limits of a life happening to you. It’s a space to remember that Life is Happening For You. You are the caretaker of your destiny, while surrendering into the grand expanse of the unknown. Speaking for myself, this journey is not easy or a narrow, paved path. The trail is crooked, cobbly, & presents many crossroads that determine the viability of your perceived “success”. Sometimes we have to travel in circles, not recognizing the usual landmarks that indicate a clear path. 

It is my Joy to support this Self-Discovery. It is my Joy to live in a meditative way - moving slow, being mindful before I speak, trusting into the ever-achievable peace of the Breath. It is my Joy to be generous with my most precious resource, my time. It is my joy to give from the heart. That’s why I created this space. It brings my Joy wholly and I feel like I’m helping out this god forsaken world at the same damn time. Not that “saving the world” is my mission here, I just feel in my bones that the choices we make, the actions we take do matter in the grand scheme of things. There’s an incentive to be dedicated to awakening. The more awake we are to our true nature,(which is Love), we witness growth, expansion, & friendship in the Universe. Even in Absolute solitude, Loneliness fades away. Even in the darkest timelines, Light Shines through. 

My Goals for 2022 are to write/publish a cook book - this has been a long time coming as most of you may know! I’ve already started the first few chapters and look forward to letting my insight unfold. Our relationship with food is extremely important and I want to provide guidance in this field. I want to provide guidance for making meals made with love. I want to encourage mindfulness and presence in the whole cooking process from prep to eat to clean. There’s multi-level healing that can occur through our relationship to food.

My plan is to host another round of Let Go and Grow in January. This is a 21-day Transformation Journey - with the option to extend support in your habit change for up to 3 months. Are you into starting the year off on a good note? Would you like to manifest & implement deep changes to your psyche, your routines, & habit? This course is designed to thoughtfully provoke deep transformation from Mind, Body, & Soul. I love this course because it incorporates so many elements of expression like, journaling, affirmations, and group healing. I created Let Go & Grow after letting go of social media for a few months and wanted to share the impact it had on my clarity. I felt empowered by the changes and wanted to formulate a path that helps others live the best life they can. In the past participants have let go of social media, toxic relationships, alcohol, sweets, and even more abstract emotions like anger & impatience. Some of the habits people wanted to grow were daily self-love, journaling, exercise, healthy cooking, setting boundaries, & money-saving practices. The beauty in this course is that it is on-going and continues to flourish even after the 21 days. I encourage your big picture life goals, while also holding you accountable for the short term habit changes that we focus on in the course. 

Furthermore, I want to be consistent in hosting meditation & yoga classes online again. I want to distinguish workshops from classes. My goal is to host a 20 min mindfulness meditation once a week and 1-2 hour workshop once a month. The 20 min mindfulness meditations are perfect for anyone at any level in a meditation practice. The workshops are for the people who are ready to dive deep into the spiritual, ritual, sacred space of soul connection. For yoga classes, I would be so happy to take on private clients who want to jumpstart a yoga journey and need some instructional feedback. If you want to really ground into an easy, attainable yoga practice, I would love to help you on an individual specific level. I’m going to offer monthly 45 min yin & flow classes. This is as much for me as it is for you! Yoga and Meditation are my mainstay. My most consistent practices that help me perpetuate synchronicity in my life. I look forward to offering these classes again as a way to generate movement in the collective and transmute the cumulative sorrow, rage, & stagnancy we may feel.

If you’ve made it to the end of this blog post I applaud you!! This is an early morning channeling… Derived from my own insecurity of creating a calendar and listening to Hiatus Kaiyote and Eryka Badhu on repeat. My brain has so many thoughts and this is the best for my own organization. If you’ve made it to end thank you for reading. Thank you for being a part of my experience. Thank you for believing in the alternative lifestyle and for support a fledging artist who hears the call of the Divine deep in her Soul.


Heart Sangha <3


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